We’re all busy and probably nobody really wants to take the time for wooden fence maintenance; however, that’s really up to you even though you know it needs to be done. This is just one of the things that goes along with owning a wood fence, and the trade off for what you get is worth it. Since your fence needs to be protected it will or should be stained, and this process has to be repeated. You may be able to save some money by applying the very first coat of stain to your fence.

What you will have to do so you can preserve a wooden picket fence will not be the same in some regards as you would for a split rail fence. Since you want to take good care of your fence, you’ll do periodic inspections, and this will just be a good visual, plus you can see broken pickets easily most of the time. The usual delivery time with parts can vary, and this is where going with an in-country fence maker will be easier to deal with. There is not much to a picket, and in this instance doing it your self can be done and with little assistance. Any time you call a contractor with a broken part of your fence, he will want to order a new part and charge you extra for it.
Not all wood fences are made using metal nails, and in fact some of them are made the old fashioned way with wooden dowels. It is helpful to look ahead with any decision like this because you can identify potential problems. Nails, on the other hand, can naturally work themselves loose due to changes in temperature, etc. But you should not worry too much about this because it is normal and people will generally not ever notice. After some time you will not be able to save the nail, and it is possible you may have to form new nail holes.
A great benefit for doing inspections is you will have an opportunity to be on the lookout for termites, and you can learn how to best check for them in related articles.
What you can and definitely should do is apply some termite pesticide around all of your fence posts. Wood fences are made of materials that are attractive to them, and just to be effective the right instructions need to be read, etc. This is something that you can talk to the contractor about, and then you can get expert help with other source. Always record your fence maintenance activities, and the reason is you may one day have a need to know the history. How efficient you choose to become in these endeavors is your choice, but be confident about what you can and should do. This will keep you motivated and also give you a little more peace of mind.