Container gardening is very fashionable these days considering the small spaces where some folks are residing. Container gardens do not require the amount of care that larger gardens do, which will leave you free to do other things. Still, there are some things you should know if you want to make your container garden as successful as possible, and we’ll be providing some helpful tips in this article.
Water Requirements
Anyone that starts a container garden needs to find a way to get adequate water to their plants on a daily basis. You will need to add more water to a container garden, more so than you would a traditional garden outside. While container gardens are quite easy to maintain, lack of water is probably the number one reasons why plants don’t thrive in containers. Plants in a container are limited in that their roots can’t reach down and find water that’s beneath the surface. The plants, because they are in a container, rely upon you to give them adequate water. Always check the moisture level of the soil itself before watering, and also keep in mind the type of plants that you are growing to make sure that the amount of water you are giving them is enough.
Temperature and Humidity
Even given the fact that container gardens are not as difficult to maintain over a standard outdoor garden; you still have to address temperature and humidity conditions for the specific plants you choose to grow. You would be wise to select plants that are either known for successful growth in your area or ones that will easily become accustomed to your conditions. You could be facing some extra growing conditions, like temperature and humidity; if you opt for growing desert type plants. Then if you opt for those opposite types of plants of a tropical nature; you will have a different set of standards to live up to, making sure the plants are sufficiently hydrated. You also want to keep plants with similar needs in the same container.
Plant Compatibility
Container gardening is very popular because it has a wide variety of techniques that suit the personalities and needs of others. One-way is to have a separate container or pot for each plant. The issue of compatibility, though sometimes problematic, is no longer an issue because of using a variety of containers. Larger containers are typically preferable because they allow the plants to grow much more easily. When you do this, however, compatibility again becomes an issue. An example of incompatibility issues would be planting a fern next to a cactus. If you have several plants sharing a container, you should also avoid plants that tend to spread and invade the space of its neighbors.
Given the fact that folks more now than ever, are wishing to grow their own vegetables, herbs and such; container gardening will be a thing of the present and the future as well. A lot of folks would love to have a great big garden and harvest their own veggies; however, few of us have the means for either. We may all like to have and maintain a full sized garden; even though a container garden takes time, it will be time easily given.